Skater Boy - Coming of Age Part VI
Title: Skater Boy – Coming of Age Part VI A support team is vital to any endeavor like Matthew’s. Unlike his early days skating, Grandma quickly became the main figure in the story. She was his driver, agent, scheduler, cook, financial backer, and of course, fan:) Whether it was making food for summer skating camp (a very intense amount of time training) or getting a hotel around for a competition, Mom Card worked tirelessly to make sure Matt had everything he needed. It is not that Mom Card is independently wealthy. She worked for years for IBM and then Lockheed Martin, in their food staff, bringing carts of food to different executive meetings and making sure the regular cafeteria was ready for the engineers and staff of the building. Being a blue-collar worker, Mom Card knew how to pinch pennies, but she also knew when to spend what was needed to succeed. One example was Matt’s skates! When you buy a growing boy $1000 sk...