A Writer's Journey Part XVII

Title: A Writer’s Journey

Have you noticed in American culture, that we are becoming so divided that we like or hate an idea or concept depending on who espoused it!  If you are a Democrat and Donald Trump said, “The sky is blue,” it seems like you might ask, “But is it really?”  If you are a Republican and Hillary Clinton said, “The sunset is pretty,” you might ask, “But was it really?  Did you even see a sunset?”  We have become extremely divided as a culture.  So when Hillary Clinton wrote, “It takes a Village” the Republican side immediately viewed it as a prelude to turning America into a Dystopian culture.  I never read it, so for all I know it was just that, but even if she took that concept to an extreme... the basic principle is sound.  I have no desire to live in “A Brave New World” or “1984” but I have learned that a community can make an individual stronger!

Take my daughter, Autumn Essigmann.  She tested up for varsity track as a seventh grader on my urging.  (It was a very good decision on my part!  I don’t always make the right call as a parent but that was a good one!  Modified track can be a great experience too but Autumn flourished as a Varsity athlete!)  The gate keeper was Mr. Davis (JT physical education teacher) and although he is tough and fair, he will also give you advice on how to pass the test... if you are smart enough to listen to him.  I have come to him often and said, “Mike, I have a girl that needs to test up, but she struggles with X or Y.”  He is extremely knowledgeable and will patiently breakdown how to overcome that barrier.  I think we as people want a gatekeeper in our lives who is tough but fair.  One who will fail you if that is what you deserve but who can also give you knowledge to pass even the most impossible test!  Autumn passed!

Of all her events, Autumn became good at pole vault right off the bat!  I didn’t realize this at the time but pole vaulters need incredible upper body strength.  America Ninja Warrior “Jessie Graff” said that she felt that being a high level pole vaulter made her a more excellent “Ninja” on the show (American Ninja)!  Other successful female “ninjas” on the show have also been pole vaulters as well.  Some of that is stability and control but some of that is also raw strength.  Going into Autumn’s ninth grade season we built a program called “The Arrow Program” to build strength.  The Arrow program (one area of this program was 90 sit ups and 10 pull ups a day:) did help but we needed an expert.  JT High School has one... Scott Helgeland.  He teaches an elective on weight lifting and Autumn signed up for it that year.  She was hooked and has grown to respect Mr. Helgeland very much!  Autumn has become very powerful!  In the first year of the Arrow program she hated push ups and now she does them like it is no big deal.  Mr. Helgeland also impacted her life (and the life of our community) by having a vision to upgrade our school’s gym.  He held a fundraiser to buy new equipment, spent hours getting buyers for all the old equipment, and guided the purchase of very nice machines!  One of them was like it was made for Autumn!  It is a machine that let’s you do several variations of pull-ups with a clever assistance device, as necessary.  It is Autumn’s favorite machine!  Autumn is very powerful and I think Scott has a lot to do with that!  She is my primary thrower (shot and discus), my pole vaulter, and yet she is fast enough to sprint the 100 hurdles!  Autumn has taken his elective every year since and she still listens to him very closely as she tries to reach her goals!

Every athlete needs someone to care about their career and Mr. Barnes at JT fits that bill well!  Autumn liked him when she had him in 10th grade as a teacher but he still asks how she is doing in athletics.  He doesn’t just ask that when she does something great like break the school record or win a sectional patch, but even when she is in regular season... or in a slump.  We all need a Mr. Barnes, that even when we just pass them daily in life on our way to somewhere else, they give us that little encouragement to keep going!  Mr. Barnes can often bring a smile to Autumn’s face (and other students as well) as he briefly talks to her in the hallway.  She looks forward to telling him if something big happens in her life because he’s there every day for her!

Autumn did Indoor Track this year and for once didn’t have her dad as a primary coach.  She did great under their teaching!  Mike DeGaetano and Damian DeMarco are coaches I had respect for as opponents but my respect has grown to much higher levels as they have coached my daughter last season!  They helped fix several problems she had in events I’m not as skilled at AND helped her grow as a person!  Mike DeGaetano gave Autumn the best advice she’s ever gotten from a coach!  One day she was really struggling and paused to talk to him.  He looked at her and said, “Autumn, I think your body knows what to do as a pole vaulter but you are too tense!  Relax, hang out with the other kids, and have fun vaulting!”  Autumn went from a crummy warm up to an amazing night where she electrified the pole vault.  A pole vaulting expert was there that night that Autumn knows and he was like, “Autumn, you are doing great tonight!”  That day was one of the most valuable in Autumn’s entire career as a track athlete!

“Rockback”, Autumn’s summer pole vaulting club, deserves some major credit!  Coach Andrew Fetzner, Coach “G”, and Coach “Ten Pack” (Autumn’s nickname for him) have vastly improved Autumn.  Autumn has wonderful skills that she has learned and her success vaulting can easily be attributed to this high level program, where she feels welcome, and vaults with other great female vaulters!  These men have spent several summers building into Autumn and have even helped her during the regular season when they can!  I have started taking new vaulters up to Rockback and they love it too!!  It is a great program!!

Grandma Card.  Grandma Card has bought Autumn TWO pole vault poles, even when she wasn’t the ace of the base and offered to help pay for special pole vault instruction!  Mom Card has spent hours driving her to practice here and there and sending money to cover gas, lessons, and food.  Some years she sends more, some less, BUT it is always appreciated!!!  Autumn couldn’t have gotten where she was without her!  I remember a really good vaulter’s parents (a vaulter Autumn looked up to on a different team) complaining that their daughters college had lousy poles.  I thought, “Then go buy her one!”  But that is easy for me to think.  I didn’t buy Autumn her poles:)

Other Coaches.  Autumn really appreciates other coaches in the league!  When she got her indoor track sectional patch, Autumn ran off to find Coach Walch and Lyzz (a father, daughter coaching team for Avoca) to share her big news!  Mr. Lyons (Addison Coach) saw her helping out at a cross country meet and went out of his way to thank Autumn for running a pole vaulting clinic that some of his vaulters benefited from!  Having quality men and women in the league that not only represent your competition BUT also people who respect the sport and athletes that work hard is important.  Sometimes your biggest complements and best praise comes from coaches of other programs! 

The Lord.  Autumn has a pastor for a dad, so church is not optional for her, and yet she has grown in this area.  I have noticed that the Lord has grown in her life, from basic truth to personal God!  All things flow from God, good or evil.  We always like the good things and grit our teeth when bad times come.  Autumn has had plenty of bad times in track due to injury, sickness, or even surgery!  She’s had times where she has come in second at sectionals even when she was the top dog in her class and one of the top ten in Section V!  She has learned to accept what the Lord has for her and begun to develop a deep relationship with him.  I often tell people, “God is not my imaginary friend, he’s quite real!  He is where my joy comes from!!”  I’m so happy Autumn is finding him too!!  He’s her creator, the very author of life itself!!

As an author, my journey has rested on so many people, especially as a self-published author!  I don’t have a massive press behind me... a myriad of humans making me look good!  Probably the biggest figure in my writing journey (besides the Lord) has been my wife (and she is also an invisible influence in Autumn’s track career too!!)  Gail could have crushed my writing career before it started.  It has cost us money and time, two precious commodities to any wife.  Yet she has sacrificed this and has been rock solid behind me.  Gail is aware that I might not “make it” in the worldly sense and she is at peace with that.  She knows that in this life I may never be compensated financially for my writing or become famous but she is looking for a different city and a different reward.  A city whose builder and maker is God!  That is a godly woman and that is the reason if you have EVER been blessed by my writing, you can thank her:)

So many others have helped!!  My mother has been a constant and very honest teacher as one of the editing team.  Mrs. Foos (retired English teacher) has also been a huge help getting book after book ready for market.  Jonathan Myers who gave me my shot and helped me with my comic book company:)  My sister Faith, who is a great writer too, has been a big help!  All of my fans have been a huge help!  Some of you will never know what a difference that little bit of encouragement helped me make it farther in my writer's journey!!

*** Author Adrian Essigmann has eighteen books in print on Amazon.com, soon to be nineteen!  All of them are $.99 cents on Kindle, with the exception of “An Assumed Risk” which will be (Lord willing) an e-book before summer.  All of his books are available in soft cover too!  Type Amazon Adrian Essigmann and his author’s page should come up ***

Book of the Week – Wolf Hunting!! ($.99 on Kindle!)
“Ariel Wilson, ‘Jack’ to her friends, has a mother determined to make her a superstar. During the school year, she is in lessons, classes, and sports, but she never wins...at least at anything her mom cares about. During the summer, Ariel becomes “Little Wolf”, living with her father just as Native Americans did centuries ago. Then Ariel gets kidnapped by a group of men who want to blackmail her mother. These men are professional kidnappers who have abducted dangerous men before, so they’re not worried about some rich teenage girl. They should be, though, because they haven’t kidnapped a girl... they’ve got a wolf!”


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