Christian's Under Attack

Title: Christians under attack

Injustice is all over this world.  I’ll never forget my South American friend Alex (mid 1990s) saying, “Adrian, you Americans do not understand my world.  In my country I watched a man stealing a loaf of bread running across the street.  The police pulled up and gunned him down and then drove off leaving his body in the street.”  He said in an intense voice, “In my country you don’t call the police.”  Another time he said, “Adrian, you Americans don’t understand poverty.  When you open your front door and a kid is peeing there because he spent the night sleeping in your doorway, you begin to understand.”  Of all the injustices in the world, lately it seems on Facebook, American Christians are a huge problem.  So I will attempt to rebut the wave of verbal attacks on our attempt to live out the literal Word of God and be godly in this dark, evil, and godless world.  I will attempt to do so without the ever popular attacking the other side’s faults (the old, “Oh, yeah, well your guy does such and such!!).  I will merely present truth. 

Attack One: “If Christians hate abortion so much, why don’t they adopt more?  They are hypocrites!”
Truth: No one put a gun to your head and made you have sex.  The stork does not bring children.  I have brought four children into this world and one was a surprise... a very nice surprise:)  I did so intending to take care of them and provide for them even though I was poor.  If you bring children into the world, then you are responsible for them.  Your intentions or sex drive is irrelevant.  You are and adult!  Act like it!  Your solution to being irresponsible is to murder your child???
Problem: It’s like I walk by a maturity ward in the hospital and see you holding a gun.  You shoot your child in the head and blood goes everywhere.  I give you a horrified look and you scream back “WHAT??  What is your problem????  This is better than using a coat hanger to kill my baby!!!!”  As you go to wash off the blood you mutter angrily, “Stinking Christians!  Bunch of hypocrites!”
Irony: School shootings.  You scream about children being killed (which is horrible).  You scream... scream mind you, “We need more gun laws!!”  or you scream like a maniac, “We need to ban guns!!”  I say, “I’m not convinced that gun laws or banning them is going to stop these kind of awful things.”  For that I get told I’m a horrible person AND am killing children.  The irony is these same people screaming at me are all for murdering babies.
Anecdotal evidence: This is not a scientific study but from personal experience... My brother-in-law and his wife Wendy (hard core born again Christians) has adopted five children and have been foster parents to others.   Some of those kids were teenagers when adopted others unwanted children.  My Uncle and Aunt (hard core born again Christians)have adopted two black young ladies and raised them.  My mother-in-law is very active helping the foster care system... and I could go on.  Why don’t I want to be a foster parent or adopt children?  New York State.  I admire my fellow Christian’s that deal with so much nonsense and sacrifice to help with a major problem in our world.  Maybe God will give me that kind of grace but I don’t have it at the moment.  Before you attack understand, I have family heavily involved in this business and am not an internet ignoramus who reads a few articles and is an expert.  One story of a Foster parents battle with a 26 year-old, single, social worker whose qualifications to work with children is a college degree is enough to sour me on the whole thing, much less everything else.

Attack Two: “Christians are putting children in cages because of their loyalty to Trump!”
Before I give truth let’s for the sake of argument enter a reality of the following (tipping the balance in total favor of the left-wing)
1. CNN and such news organizations always tell the truth, are fair to the president, and are paragons of virtue.  That they are pure and holy.  That everything they report is totally unbiased or slanted.
2. President Obama made sure border agents gave illegal immigrant children milk and cookies and made sure they got a bed time story every night.
3. That President Trump is a white-power megalomaniac out to crush other races
4. All Christians are pro-Trump, lock step baby!
- In such a world there would still be a truth
Truth: “People breaking the law are bringing their children along, complicating law enforcement's job.”  If criminals brought all their kids to a bank heist what would you think of that?  If a man gets drunk out of his mind, puts his kids in the car, and gets pulled over for speeding to day care, what would you think of him?  What’s that?  It’s not the same thing?  Sure it is.  You are breaking the law.  Not only that but whole cities are creating spaces where people illegally entering the country can get to they will be relatively safe.  In fact we plan to hand out free health care and give them drivers licenses and maybe even free college.  I think any honest look at this would make you conclude this will encourage more people to break the law because you have increased the reward.
“That doesn’t excuse putting children in cages!”
By increasing the benefit of breaking the law you are creating a wave of humanity that is overwhelming the border agents.  I don’t blame these people for wanting a better life, many of them come from countries that are little tiny tastes of what hell is going to be like.  But you have encouraged them to break the law.  You are letting them use their children to allow them to get away with it. 
Bottom line: You have caused this crisis by encouraging people to break the law and are mad when people get hurt. 
1. You argue the law is immoral!  So you don’t care if officials elected to create laws encourage this law to be broken... because you know what is right and wrong.  You are the final arbiter of all truth.  What if Steuben County started to do whatever it wanted to do?  Whatever the general populace thought was “right,” hang those silly laws.  So we invite an M-16 manufacturer to set up shop in Steuben county and call it a sanctuary county for gun rights.  We let people have huge clips and sell guns to whoever wants one.  We don’t do background checks and we sell to anyone.  Someone commits a crime with the handgun and so the injured family tries to sue the M-16 plant in Steuben county but we don’t recognize their authority.  New York State tries to sue us and we ignore them.  The governor threatens to cut off our tax dollars and we argue that he can’t do that and the Feds back us.  We start to allow people to take guns everywhere and outlaw gun free zones.  “But you can’t do that?”  Why?  “It’s against the LAW!!”  Yes, you are right.  To be a nation of laws we need to follow the law.  You don’t get to pick and choose what laws will be followed.
- But I can break the law because I know it is “immoral”.  (An interesting thing, that you know an absolute truth from a post modern perspective but I will accept it).
2. “Border laws are immoral and you Christians are evil for wanting them.”  Am I?  Then let’s get rid of property laws.  Open borders.  If you neighbors want to build a play ground on your property what right do you have to tell them no?  What if they start building homes on your property and tie into your electric and water, making you pay the bill.  Are you immoral for not wanting this? Get rid of the locks on your doors and let your lawn city eat your food.  Let  them pee and poop on your sidewalk even when you ask them not to.  You couldn’t afford it even if you wanted to unless you are very rich.  Schools don’t have open borders.  In fact you have to register your kid to let them go to school.  They just can’t walk in and sit down in class.  If you let all of your friends have your access code to your streaming service, why do you get mad when you can’t watch a program when you want to?  What, just because you pay the bill and they are all reaping the benefits you think you have a right to dictate anything?  What a selfish, evil person you are!!!!!!! 


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