The Ferd Stenta Invitational
Title: Ferd Stenta Invitational Part I When we first arrived at the invitational, it was a comfortable afternoon, with the sun peeking out. Huge groups of teenagers with different uniforms on were warming up together and relay boys and girls were passing batons preparing for upcoming events. The weather report looked grim but you couldn’t tell at the moment. Autumn was putting her poles under a tent the home school had provided, when a brief driving rain hit! Student athletes scattered everywhere, heading for their tents or cover. A coach near the pole vault ran out to start covering the pit and I followed. It was the weather’s shot across the bow. By the national anthem the rain was gone but so were the warm temperatures. A brutal wind began and temperatures started to drop. By the end of the night snow would be in the air, swirling around. How bad was the wind. It was bad. In pole vault the...